Metabolism and Bioavailability of phenolic compounds in the human body




Functional substances, food, absorption mechanisms, biovailability


Considering the importance of phenolic compounds as functional substances, this review aims to clarify some conceptual aspects related to metabolism and bioavailability of this class of substances in the human body. The proposed paper was drawn up based on scientific articles collected through searches of the database using keywords related to the topic of interest. Phenolic compounds present in food are powerful antioxidants and play an important role in preventing chronic diseases. The bioavailability of these substances is quite variable, thus, the most abundant substances in the diet or food are not necessarily the most bioavailable. This is because metabolism and absorption of these compounds are affected by various factors such as molecular weight, primary structure, degree of polymerization, glycosylation, solubility and metabolic conversion and interaction with the intestinal microflora as well as factors such as intestinal absorption, intestinal metabolism and hepatic, excretion of conjugated forms along the intestinal lumen, plasma kinetics, binding to albumin, cellular uptake, intracellular metabolism, tissue accumulation and biliary and urinary excretion.


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Author Biography

  • Rafaela Scalco Pereira, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

    Departamento de Ciências Agrárias


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How to Cite

Metabolism and Bioavailability of phenolic compounds in the human body. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 23(3), 156-162.