Sperm parameters reflect the effects of topical use of Copaifera oil (Copaifera sp.) in Wistar rats





Sperm quality, Sperm motility, Mitochondria, DNA damage, Herbal medicine


Copaiba resin oil (CO) is used in the treatment of inflammatory skin injuries in humans. This study assessed the effects of topical use of CO ointment on sperm parameters. Sixty-three Wistar male rats were anesthetized and two wounds were inflicted on the back of each rat. The healing injuries were treated daily with petroleum jelly (control group), 0.01%, and 0.1% of CO ointment until the day they were euthanized: seven, fourteen, or twenty-one days later (D7, D14, or D21, respectively). Each group contained seven animals and the traits assessed in terms of sperm quality were sperm motility, integrity of plasma membrane, mitochondrial function, DNA integrity, and histopathological characteristics. Animals treated with CO at 0.01% and 0.1% for D7 had an increase in the number of cells with injured membranes (79.6% and 68.9%, respectively) and nonfunctional mitochondria (44.8% and 48.5%, respectively) when compared to the control group (43% of injured membrane and 19% of nonfunctional mitochondria). After D14 of treatment, we observed an increase (P<0.05) in the percentage of cells with damaged DNA and injured acrosome in the Copaiba-treated groups at 0.01% (27.8% and 43.8%, DNA and acrosome respectively) and 0.1% (23.7% and 41.4%, DNA and acrosome respectively), when compared to the control group (0% and 19.2%, DNA and acrosome respectively). We concluded that the topical use of CO decreased sperm quality in the period and at the concentrations studied.


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Author Biographies

  • Andreia Nobre Anciuti, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary

  • Antonio Sergio Varela Junior, Federal University of Rio Grande

    Institute of Biological Science

  • Camila Ribeiro Carvalho de Brito, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary

  • Edenara Anástacio Silva, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary

  • Stela Mari Meneghello Gheller, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary

  • Mariana Texeira Tillmann, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Veterinary Clinic

  • Carlos Eduardo Raquetat Ferreira, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary

  • Márcia Oliveira Nobre, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Veterinary Clinic

  • Carine Dahl Corcini, Federal University of Pelotas

    Department of Pathology and Reproduction Veterinary


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How to Cite

Sperm parameters reflect the effects of topical use of Copaifera oil (Copaifera sp.) in Wistar rats. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 22(4), 210-219. https://doi.org/10.70151/30h15h50