Non-conventional food plants (PANC): a systematic review




Nutritional value, Agrobiodiversity, Wild plants, Market niche, Ecosystem


Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANC) have received an emphasis on the scientific environment because they have potential in the diversification of human food, being discarded because they are differentiated plants in the scope of nutrition, medicine, economy, sustainability and biodiversity of cultures. In this sense, the objective of this article is to identify the academic and scientific approaches on the PANC in international scientific production. For this, a systematic analysis was carried out in scientific articles, considering the bibliometric indicators, such as: temporal evolution; main newspapers; major countries; keywords used, among others. The articles were searched in the international database Elsevier's Scopus, resulting in 68 papers analyzed. According to the results, the years 2014 and 2015 had the largest number of publications. Italy, Japan and Turkey are the countries with the most publications related to the subject. The areas that present the greatest number of research are environmental science, agriculture, biological sciences and medicine, evidencing their multidisciplinarity. Among the approaches presented in the articles are the identification of nutritional and nutraceutical properties, cultural identity, identification and consumption with greater relevance.


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How to Cite

Non-conventional food plants (PANC): a systematic review. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 22(3), 122-136.