Organic production of Zingiber officinale with rhizomes of different sizes and ages




Ginger, vegetative propagation, rhizome-seed


Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae), popularly known as ginger, is native to Asia. Considered a spice in the food industry of high value and commercial prestige, this species is recognized for having medicinal properties that act on the most varied symptoms and types of diseases. The subterranean stem, rhizome, besides being the part of the plant that has greater commercial importance, is also the part used for its vegetative propagation, and thus, it is of paramount importance the horticulturist to have knowledge of the characteristics of the best rhizome-seed to be propagated, in organic crops. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the growth of Z. officinale rhizomes of different ages, sizes and initial side sprouts, determining the morphology of the most appropriate rhizome-seed to be used in commercial propagation. The experiment was carried out on a screen structure (sombrite® 50%) from November 2016 to July 2017, at the geographic coordinates 28º15'41 "S and 52º24'45" and 687 m altitude, in a randomized block design with two-factorial 2x3 (2 ages X 3 sizes of rhizomes) with 4 replicates. Four evaluations were made to quantify stem numbers, leaf numbers, heights and basal stem diameters. At 227 days, in the last evaluation, the harvest was made, determining the fresh mass of the rhizomes. Rhizomes-seed of larger size presented higher values in the parameters height, basal stem diameter and fresh mass. In relation to age, the rhizomes of 2 years presented higher values in all evaluated parameters, except for the number of leaves. They are the rhizomes of 2 years, larger and with greater number of side sprouts, the rhizomes-seeds recommended for the production aiming the commercialization of rhizomes produced in organic system.


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How to Cite

Organic production of Zingiber officinale with rhizomes of different sizes and ages. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 21(4), 300-307.