Consensus of the medicinal use of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. in different phytophysiognomies




Copaíba, Informant consensus, Therapeutic Uses, Different biomes, Ethnobotany


The present study had as its objective to carry out an ethnobotanical survey of Copaíba in Cerradão, Carrasco, Wetland and Caatinga phytophysiognomies in the Chapada do Araripe, Northeast, Brazil, with a standardized form. Semi-structured interviews and the snowball technique were used. Usage diversity, plant part consensus and level of fidelity were analyzed to verify the consensus of the usage categories, plant part and indicated diseases. In the study, 61 therapeutic indications were cited for Cerradão (38), Caatinga (33), Pantanal (20) and Carrasco (15), with wound healing, rheumatic arthritis, bone pain, back problems and throat inflammation being the most cited.Despite Cerradão and Caatinga registering a greater number of therapeutic indications, their general level of fidelity was low, ranging from 3.57 to 25 and 4.35 to 26.09, respectively. Of the 13 registered categories, musculoskeletal and skin disorders were the categories with the highest usage diversity values among the studied phytophysiognomies. The data obtained for C. langsdorffii emphasize its therapeutic potential and the need for studies that evaluate the species as a source of biologically active natural products, thus serving as a basis for future studies.


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Author Biographies

  • Maria de Oliveira Santos, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Bianca Vilar de Almeida, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Flávia Geane Torres de Mendonça, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Márcia Jordana Ferreira Macêdo, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Daiany Alves Ribeiro, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • João Tavares Calixto Júnior, Regional University of Cariri

    Systematics Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Maria Arlene Pessoa da Silva, Regional University of Cariri

    Systematics Laboratory, Department of Biology

  • Irwin Rose Alencar de Menezes, Regional University of Cariri

    Laboratory of Pharmacology and Molecular Chemistry, Department of Chemical Biology

  • José Galberto Martins da Costa, Regional University of Cariri

    Natural Products Research Laboratory, Department of Chemical Biology

  • Marta Maria de Almeida Souza, Regional University of Cariri

    Plant Ecology Laboratory, Department of Biology


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How to Cite

Consensus of the medicinal use of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. in different phytophysiognomies. (2023). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 25(2), 73-94.