Chemical characterization and larvicidal properties of the essential oils of against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)




Aedes aegypti, Ocimum gratissimum, Syzygium aromaticum, larvicidal, essential oil


The mosquito of the genus Aedes is the arthropod responsible for transmission of the dengue virus. Some procedures are proposed to prevent the proliferation of this vector, including the use of larvicides and insecticides. The present work has as the extraction of essential oils from the species Syzygium aromaticum and Ocimun grantissimun and the evaluation of their active components against Aedes aegypti larvae. The oils were subjected to GC-MS analysis to identify the majoritarys compounds. The EOs were subjected to turbidimetric tests to obtain the degree of solubility in 1% DMSO, acetone, alcohol and Tween 80. The analysis of EOs by GC–MS resulted in the identification of eugenol, 1-8-cineole and β - caryophyllene. Tests with the enzyme acetylcholinesterase were performed following the protocol of Ellman adapted by Rhee. The turbidity of the EOs in ethanol presented values from 30 to 102 NTU, implying the presence of a greater number of soluble molecules. Studies of larvicidal assays of S. aromaticum and O. gratissimun oils showed LC50 values of 39.5 and 54.6 mg/mL respectively. For anticholinesterase activity, O. gratissimun presented an IC50 of 6.2 mg /mL. The present work suggests the essential oils under study are promising in the formulation of larvicides and insecticides.


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Author Biographies

  • Antônia Laires da Silva Santos, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

  • Mahendra Rai, SGB Amravati University

    Departamento of Biotecnology

  • Felipe Pereira da Silva Santos, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

  • Alyandra de Sousa Nascimento, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

  • Geovanna Trajano Oliveira da Silva, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

  • Layana Karine Farias Lima, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Pharmacy

  • Lucas Mendes Feitosa Dias, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Pharmacy

  • Yara Santiago de Oliveira, University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofony

    Institute of Health Sciences

  • Alejandro Pedro Ayala, Federal University of Ceará

    Department of Physics

  • Samuel Anderson Alves de Sousa, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry

  • Chistiane Mendes Feitosa, Federal University of Piauí

    Center for Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry


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How to Cite

Chemical characterization and larvicidal properties of the essential oils of against Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 24(1), 22-28.