Antibacterial and antioxidant potential of ethanol extract from Momordica charantia leaves




Medicinal plants, São Caetano melon, Alternative medicine, DPPH


Momordica charantia popularly known as São Caetano melon, belonging to the Curcubitaceae family is considered an effective plant against various diseases. Many studies have reported its antimicrobial and antioxidant potential, especially in its fruits. Therefore, this study evaluated the antioxidant and antibacterial activity in ethanol extract of M. charantia leaves. It was selected the DPPH method to evaluate the antioxidant activity. Antibacterial activities were assessed against three strains - Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 29665, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 6057 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa UFPEDA 416 using the well diffusion method. The percentage of free radical capture increased as the concentration of the extract also increased. At the concentration of 100 mg/ml the extract showed low antibacterial activity against the strains, and at the concentration of 50 mg/ml there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. Therefore, it is necessary a phytochemical study for the detection of the compounds responsible for these activities.


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Author Biographies

  • Gisele Nayara Bezerra da Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Departamento de Histologia e Embriologia, Centro de Biociências

  • Nabuêr Francieli da Silva, Universidade de Federal de Pernambuco

    Departamento de Bioquímica e Fisiologia

  • Keila Aparecida Moreira, Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco

    Centro Laboratorial de Apoio à Pesquisa da Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns

  • Elisângela Ramos Castanha, Universidade de Pernambuco

    Laboratório de Biotecnologia e Bioquímica

  • Rosângela Estevão Alves Falcão, Universidade de Pernambuco

    Laboratório de Biotecnologia e Bioquímica

  • Ivone Antônia de Souza, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Departamento de Histologia e Embriologia, Centro de Biociências


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How to Cite

Antibacterial and antioxidant potential of ethanol extract from Momordica charantia leaves. (2024). Revista Brasileira De Plantas Medicinais Brazilian Journal of Medicinal Plants, 24(1), 1-5.